So let me take you back a week last sunday (6 days before Tim Hughes and gang came in). Over the last 2 years, Dream center has has a mens soccer program. A way to connect with guys that normaly would not come to Riverside or Dream Center. Its been amazing getting to know the guys. Well this spring we decided to join the Peoria mens outdoor league. It went realy well and we ended up coming 4th in the league but got to the play offs and won the whole thing.
Anyway, a week last sunday, I was playing went to volley the ball with my right foot and pivet on my left foot. As I did so I felt the most intence pain, my knee give way and it popped in and out a few time's and I was experiencing pain that I had never felt before. This all happened to my knee that I have already had 2 surgeries on. After doctors visits and an MRI(scan) I have found out that I have torn my ACL in my knee. Appartently this is a big deal. So for all you sick people out there I have a link to an animation of the surgery needed.

So for the week I have had a complete leg brace. You know its bad when I had to use a motorized shopping cart at walmart. If I hear "your getting too old to play soccer" again, then I will hurt someone with the other leg.I see a surgeon next week and I will keep you updated.
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