It was at the beginning of the year that we had the opportunity of one of Christian music top artist's and pioneers come to the Dream Center. Toby Mac was in town for winter jam and I got a call from his manager asking if he, his band and a few other could come and play Basketball at DCP for the afternoon. After picking myself off the floor I said "Sure" in a real cool, non groupie voice. He was brilliant with us and loved the Dream Center and all we do. He said this place is truly "Diversity" It was a great day and amazing concert that night.
Talking of concerts we also had the opportunity of having Steve Fee with us.Steve has been with us

Well on May 1st we as a family will be in England. Its the first time back in 13 YEARS!!! Yep, I am ready to go back for a visit. We have ton's planned from Cadbury's world, A premier leauge football (soccer) game, reunions (Invitation link), a wedding english style, Wales, Castles, London and even a trip down to Littlehampton to stay a few days with our friends Martin and Anna Smith.
We can not wait and we will be blogging and twittering during the trip.
As a family we are so excited about the trip. Only a few more weeks till we go.
Till next time, see you then....
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